

New Member
just started my tank and water is cloudy...looks white and it is not getting clearer? please help its been like this for about 4 hours now and it hasn't improved, i think this is from undissolved salt in the water. i have live sand and rock in there already and my water is at 1.021 right now so i have the right amount of salt in it..its just not all dissolved yet? how long shoudl this take i have only a power filter running


Alright calm down. Everything is fine. I would have everything especially powerheads running. It can take a while before all calms down. My big tank took almost 24 hours to be completely clear. Everything will be fine. Turn your powerheads on, turn your lights off, and go to bed. It'll be better in the morning. If it's not, then you have problems


Active Member
If you just added the water today...and dumped it in the tank disturbing the sand bed...then you probably just have a sand storm in your tank. If you didnt mix the salt completely..then it will also look cloudy... Give it some time to settle down.


New Member
ok well my salinity is fine right now and i dont know about any of my other levels. but i guess im gonna give it sometime to clear up. right now i just have two power filters running to try to get more movement, i would normally only use one but im trying to get the water moving as i have no power heads, but i will get some tomorrow


For future reference, mix your salt water out of the tank... that way you won't have to deal with undissolved salt settling on your sandbed and disturbing your salinity levels......