

OK everyone. Big question!! I am building my own refugium for my 125g reef. Right now I have only a wet/dry filter down below. I'm thinking of ridding my tank of that, and putting in a large refugium instead. The question is, if I did this, how much will my tank be affected if I jumped right into something like this. I'm thinking of using the bioballs but they will be totally submerged. I have a good plan set-up but just wanted to know what would happen if I swtiched right over to a refugium without the use of a trickle filter.


You can't do that you'l crash. first you need at least a pound of live rock per gallon of water to pull this off, take out 25% of your bioballs form the wetdry till there all gone one month then build a refugum with a DSB in the empty wetdry.


If you have at least 100 lbs of live rock, the switch won't have much of an affect if done over a 2 week period. If anything, it will put less stress on your live rock and live sand to denitrify. Get rid of your wet/dry ASAP and keep your refugium lit 24/7 with lots of macroalgae. Preferably 2 types to maximize waste removal. You're on your way buddy.