help :)


Ok so i started out with 2 orange and white clowns.They never fought and one was noticeably larger than the other. So i figured that the smaller one was the male and the larger was the female. the little one would turn sideways and shake next to the larger one but no fight ensued. Then i added 1 black and white clown (just one because they are more aggressive) and the 2 big ones started fighting (locking jaws, (females). The big orange never shakes but the black one does next to the orange. The black one left the little one alone for a while then started pestering him. The 2 orange usually hang out together and the black one hangs out in the anem. Lately the black one seems to being trying to separate the 2 , is there any chance that the black and an orange would pair? There has not been one establish dominant clown? The little ornage and black do the shaking. Does this mean there is no dominant one yet? Im confused. Also should i get another black and white or another ornage to try and offset the black and white one a little more?


Rule of thumb is one pair per tank unless they're in a very large tank(100 gals or more).
Others may say they have luck keeping 2 pair but in my opinion 9 times out of 10 it won't work. When keeping 3, two will probably pair off and kill the third one. If the two larger ones are female, they will probably fight until one of them dies. If there is no females among them, then the more dominant will become the female and the stronger male will survive. Also i'm guessing that all 3 are ocellaris clowns.
After looking at your tank profile, you noted that you have pc lighting whick won't be enough lighting to keep an anemone. You will need T5HO or Medal Halide and must be up and running stable for 6 to 8 months. The anemone will soon bleach without the right kind of lighting.
It's always helpful to list water params-size of tank-kind of lights-how long is the tank in operation-whats in the tank and pictures are also helpful.
This is just my opinion and i'm sure others will add their .02


No thats fone i forgot to change that on my profile i got a nova extreme t5 on the 72 gal tank and that is what they are in. In your opinion what do u think i should do? The small and big orange seem to be pairing great the black one is the odd man out so to speak and causing the problems. Should i get a small black one for him to pair with or would he just be more agressive. Note i refer to him as a he cuz im not really sure what it is. Also im not sure if they are oscellaris or not. The 2 orange would not touch or go near the anemone the entire 8 months i had it (White Seabae). As soon as i got the black one he took it over, and they didnt care. I dont know if that info helps.


I will try to explain, this is so confusing. You say the orange ones were "smaller one quivering to larger one" Your large orange is female and the smaller is male. The large orange and b&w fight, lock jaws, they are both female. The b&w dose not fight with the smaller orange because one is male and one is female. If I were you I get rid of the b&w. You had a nice little pair created and you went and added some b&w trouble. I hope I got that right.
I'd say 1 pair per tank even in that big of a tank. It could work if you add a b&w that is very young to be sure it is male but it is not without risk of fighting maybe even loss. Good luck