
john harlan

hello i am new to the hobby and wondering if somebody could answer my quetion about which is easyer to start on coral tanks or fish only tanks thanks

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by john harlan
hello i am new to the hobby and wondering if somebody could answer my quetion about which is easyer to start on coral tanks or fish only tanks thanks
Welcome to

I would think you could start off with reef tank ,just start off slowly and do a lot of research,ask questions and learn as you go.

eric b 125

fish only tanks have less variables than reef's, but there's no reason why you couldnt start with a reef and be successful.

tank a holic

Active Member
really you want to start with fish only, but plan on making it a reef, unless you decide during the build you like the just fish look
what I mean is go slow, get your LR, clean up crew, and start with a couple small fish (AFTER
your cycle of course) then as you get your tank established (at least
6 months) then you can slowly add corals and anemone's
the biggest thing to know in either case is slow slow slow
take your time and have fun but if you want to end up with a reef then you want to buy reef equipment as you are building, i.e lights, skimmer and so forth