

I did a 20% water change on mar4th, and my corals withdrew
to nothing.
On the 5th, they started to recover.
Today, my frogspawns,hammer,one of my zoos and mushrooms are still not recovered!
Wed Thurs Today
PH 8.3 Ph 8.3 Ph 8.3
Amm 0 Amm 0 Amm 0
Trite 0 Trite 0 Trite 0
Trate 0 Trate 0 Trate 0
Cal 320 Cal 300 Cal 300
KH 8 KH 8 KH 8
Temp 81 Temp 81 Temp 814
Sal 1.024 Sal 1.024 Sal 1.024
Mag 1440 Mag 1440 Mag 1440
Phos 0 Phos 0 Phos 0
Can anyone help me?


That is weird. All your parameters are fine except for calcium, but that shouldnt cause anything like that to happen to the corals right away. I think your water got messed up somehow. Did you do anything different with this water change? Did you let the saltwater sit for a few days and get circulated? Did you match up the temp and the pH before the water change?


Well-Known Member
You know what, It sounds like chemical warfare going on. frog spawn and hammers are real agressive. I heard that charcoal in the filtration may help to ease the poison they send out to each other.
Calcium should be higher but that wouldn't make everything close up.

flame hawk

lower the temp you will see a big chang keep it aroung 76-78 dreg


Active Member
sg at 1.024 is fine. anything u added recently? try to run carbon. how old is ur light bulb? hammer and frogspawn coexist without issue.


Active Member
Temp seems fine to me as it's constant.
Whens the last time you changed water filters... age of lights.... how big of tank... how long set up? Just throwing out some extra ideas/questions of possibilities.