I just replied to your first post. STOP HERE Put on the brakes and slow down. Your tank is only running 3 days, it probably didn't even start the cycle yet. The cycle usually lasts 4 to 6 weeks. You need to be testing your water during this time to keep track of your water parameters. After the cycle is complete your cuc (clean up crew)snails crabs shrimp should be added. Two weeks after the cuc is added then you can start adding fish slowly. Every time you add something live to the tank you are building up the biological filtration which takes care of the ammonia and nitrites.
IMO you can't add any coral for at least 3 to 4 months and 6 to 8 months for the anemone and this all depends on your lighting. You'll have a lot of time to research and read and ask questions before your tank is ready to add corals and anemones.
Also you are probably going to need more than 7 pounds of live rock, usually a pound per gallon of water.
Using tap water is going to be another issue. RO or RO/DI water is best as tap water adds many undesirably things to the tank. You want the water as pure as possible.
There is a lot more things that others will probably add like powerheads, skimmers, and sand instead of crushed coral. I hope this helps a little and if you have any questions just ask., there's a lot of people here that can help you out.