

I have a 90 gal reef tank, i now have 100's of tiny rust color squares moving around my tank and gathering around my carpet nem--i have been tole thay are flat worms..... can anyone tell me how to safely rid my tank of them???????


Well-Known Member

There is a medicine called flatworm exit (I think that’s the name) Siphon out as much as you can...when they die from the medicine it can create a whole new problem.


A pic would be good but it certainly sounds like flat worms. You have several options but what ever you do don't use a product I think called flat worm x, with out removing your invertebrates and doing a large water change after administration, because as the flat worms die they release a toxin that will kill your tank inhabitants. Personally I would try waiting untill night time, and put a flash light pointed at a spot in the tank, the flat worms will eventually move to the lighted area and you can siphon them out. They must have come in on a new rock or coral. Also try cutting done on feedings and they will eventually die off. But I have seen really bad cases of flat worms that needed treatment. Oh yea there are different kinds of flat worms.


Active Member
Originally Posted by thetoyman13
can anyone tell me how to safely rid my tank of them???????

Originally Posted by Flower


There is a medicine called flatworm exit (I think that’s the name) Siphon out as much as you can...when they die from the medicine it can create a whole new problem.
OP asked for safe way. flatworm exit is not a very safe way, and should only be used with extreme caution. just using flatworm exit could kill off the whole tank.
if they are rust colored flatworms, they will die off by themselves and with syphoning.
from the two dr's:
Rust Brown Flatworm
The first and most common type of flatworm can become a nuisance quickly in the home aquarium. These organisms are tan, brown or rust colored with a red dot, and reach a size of up to 1/4" in length. They are oval and slightly elongated with two tail-like appendages at their posterior. This brown flatworm has been identified as Convolutriloba retrogemma, and will proliferate rapidly in aquariums with elevated nutrient levels. The populations of these pests can increase to a point where they will actually perch on corals, and block the light from reaching the corals' tissue. Some experts believe that the flatworms actually feed on the zooxanthellae from coral tissue, thus damaging the corals themselves.


My mom had a ton of these, she added a six line wrasse (reef safe) and they were gone the next day.


My thanks to all who have tried to help me with this problem
Today i added an 8 line Wrasse the my LFS said would be a great help, he said the 8 line will grow bigger than the 6, but for now thats ok in my tank--and he is beautiful.
again thanks to all


Active Member
On this site, it has the eight line wrasse under the wrasses that are not reef safe. Does anyone have any expearence with this? I would monitor it, toyman.


I had to resorte to useing flatworm exit---i followed the instructions very carefully--except that i use most med at half strength--it called for one drop per gal. Now in my 90 gal tank i have 125lbs live rock, 2" crushed coral, so i figure in my 90gal tank i have between 70--75 gals of water, so i only used 32 drops of flatworm exit, and with in 20 minutes i had thousands of dead flat worms floating, i used two external high flow filters with just filter pads in them. Did a 15gal water change sucking the bottom real good, doing a 10 gal water change daily. all signs of the flat worms are gone, all corals seem ok, carpet new closed up instantly from about 14in. to a 4' ball, next day he was fully open again.--- two fish seem to show signs of "ICK"--i started treating with "Kick-ick"--improving quickly. I thought i had 100's of the worms--but there were 1000's. I sure hope my problem is over.
and again thanks to all who tried to hepl with this problem