

New Member
I have a 36" fluval LED lighting system how would this be rated, what kinds of corals could I have with this, how
Low is this lighting? Also is there anything I should add to tank to help current zoas grow and thrive?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Shwagel http:///t/397349/help#post_3541386
I have a 36" fluval LED lighting system how would this be rated, what kinds of corals could I have with this, how
Low is this lighting? Also is there anything I should add to tank to help current zoas grow and thrive?


Welcome to the site. I am not at all familiar with LED I can't offer any help there. There is a coral food called feeding frenzy that I felt made the corals pretty happy. But be careful, what feeds corals, also feeds nuisance algae.

There are corals for all light situations...even corals that require no light at all.
This book may help you, I found it very useful.

Here is a sample page, click on it to see it better.
