

New Member
I posted this and didn't get many hits.. please comment if you can:
have any of you gents tried any of these kits
Starter Kit, Refugium, Fauna
Starter Kit, Refugium, Flora
Starter Kit, Detritivore
they all sound really cool if your goal is to get a lot of small
interesting critters going good in a reef tank..
any opinions?

nm reef

Active Member
Yes I am aware of the kits you mentioned. No I have never purchased them...and I have no hands on experience with them. I am aware that numerous reefers have purchased kits from a couple of sources with success. They do provide diversity for our systems. I managed to get the same results from quality LR and the addition of rubble/crud from the bottom of tanks used to cure LR...personally I think the diversity you are after can be had cheaper than the cost of the kits you are seeking information on. I don't know that I'd spend that kind of money for diversity when in time the majority of the same items can and will develope via other means.:cool:


New Member
will you get a lot of small little critters in these kits?? I think he coolest thing about reef tanks and LR is that you get all these small unidentifiable critters in your tank you know you bought.


Active Member
The bugs and worms should be introduced somehow.
How you choose to do it - is your decision.
I've purchased these critters before, and agree that what you get initially looks like a major rip off, but it's one way to do it.
Steps should be taken to insure these little guys don't get eaten by your fish in the display tank, before they get a chance to find each other and reproduce.
I've had similar results getting bugs and worms by just adding good quality live rock too, as mentioned.
Both ways work - it depends on what happens after introduction whether it's a good deal or not.