

i think i just did the most stupid thing, which will probably cost me my 55 gal reef tank. With some wrong info i added copper to my tank to cure my suck fish and now everything is dying, is there anything i can do? i added 60 drops of copper treatment 2days ago.


Active Member
While I am no expert on this area....I would suggest a couple HUGE water changes. I mean like a 50% water change, followed by another 50% water change a day or two later, followed by another 50% water change after that. My thinking is that by diluting the concentration of copper in the water it could buy you some time in getting all of it out...
Someone else may be able to give you more sound advice...
well im not sure but i think you could put something to get rid of the copper but is that doesnt work i hope you have an extra tank and save what you can.