

Ok I want the best protein skimmer out there
Filteration Best for a 75 gallon tank if a sump what size does the tank underneath have to be?
Do I need a Fludized bed or not?
I like clownfish what are really nice looking ones.
Powerheads what types and how many
How much live rock and sand?
What kind of lighting im looking to keep a reef tank
What are the best kind of reef/coral/anemones should I get how long before I buy theseHelp:confused: :mad: :confused: :mad: :confused:

pa reef pig

For starters get a good book and read from front to back. Then...
Start with a deep sand bed for the substrate. About 4" of CaribSea Special Grade Reef Sand.
You want to have about 100 lbs of really good Live Rock. Figi and Marshall Islands are good. Mix them up.
No Fluidized Bed Filter is necessary.
The Berlin Turbo is a great skimmer for the money.
Set-up a refugium with Macro algae. As large as you can. This is used to reduce nitrates in the tank. This can also be part of your sump. This should be as large as can fit under the stand.
Buy a Wave Strip for the poweheads. You need about three powerheads. I would do the Maxi-jets. Two 201's and one 401.
I could write a book about lighting. The question is what corals do you want to keep and how much money do you want to spend.
If keeping mainly soft corals and mushrooms you can get away with four 110 watt VHOs or four 65 watt Power Compacts. If you want to keep anything from soft corals to hard corals, clams and anemones, you will want to go with a Metal Halide set-up. two 175 watt or 250 watt would be great. May want to suppliment with Actinics (VHO/PC).