This is really strange, I hope somebody may have an answer. I have a 75 tank with 80-90 lbs of live rock. I have 4 damsels, 2 blue and 2 black and white striped. I switched over from CC to sand(thanks to advice from this board) The water was really cloudy and I lost track of the fish for about 10 hours while it cleared. I put the lr back in so it wouldn't dry out. The next day when it was fairly clear I saw all 4 fish. I then put the lr back so it looks like a reef. When I checked back about 4 hours later I noticed that 1 blue damsel was missing. I figued that he was stuck somewhere so I moved all the rock but there was no fish. I looked all around the tank,on the ground, and still no fish. Today I went to my lfs and bought another damsel. He acclaimated just fine and was swimming together with the original damsel. This was around 3pm. At 9pm I saw all 4 fish in the tank,but at 9:30 it happened again. 1 blue damsel is MIA. I took the rock out again and there is no damsel! The other night I did see some worms, but from what I read here the worms shouldn't be a problem. Other than that though I have no idea what could be going on. There are no signs of a killing-tail,head,everything is just gone. Has anything like this happened to any body else or does anybody have an idea what is going on here? Thanks!!!