
ken dog

New Member
I have a 55 gallon FOWLR and five crabs. It has been running for a year. I just added 2 perc and a blenny this past Saturday. My tank was without fish since February 2003. And, already my Blenny is scratching himself against the rocks. I have approximately 30 lbs of live rock. the false percs are acting fine. The Blenny has no spots on him whatsoever. But, he has some labored breathing. The Salinity is 1.21. When I first bought the fish the Salinity was 1.19. But, I raised it by slowly adding salt. A little in the morning, little a night until the salinity went up.
Is this ich. I was very, very reluctantly and debating whether I should committing a mercy killing {flushing} before the other fish catch what the blenny has.
I have another tank (29 gallons) set up, but without a filter, so I cannot use that for a Hospice tank until I get that. Money is tight right now. Do I have any other options? Such as medication safe for inverts and live rock? A fresh water dip? Is the procedure for this on this site? I tried this before, and I'm not sure if I did it a hundred percent right.