Helpful Imfomation on diseases


Active Member
Many people have fish with promblems such as:
septicemia- Internal disorder
Tuberculosis- Internal disorder
Marine White spot desease- External disorder
Velvet disease- External disorder
Coral fish disease- External disorder
Gill Flukes- External disorder
Skin Flukes- External disorder
Anchor worm- External disorder
Fish louse- External disorder
Finrot- External disorder
Fungus- External disorder
How do you tell what you'r fish has? Read what the symptoms and try to see what kind of desease your fish may have. If you dont find seem to find what your fish has then you should talk to BETH on this thread.
Septicemia- Reddening at the bases of the fins/ Very dull listless behavoir/ Does dont eat much or anything.
Tuberculosis- Lack of true color/ weight loss/ Skin wounds
Marine White spot disease- Skin is covered with little white spots/ rapid gill movement... also known as ICH
Velvet disease- Rapid gill movement
Coral fish disease- Rapid gill movement/ Flared gills/ dusty skin
Gill flukes- rapid gill movement/ Fish tents to spend more time at the top of the tank/ Gills are getting eaten away/ fish may scrap agaist rocks and objects in the tank.
Skin Flukes- Scraps agaist rocks and objects/ skin reddens in places/ the fins become ragged.
Anchor Worm- Scraps agaist rocks and objects in tank/ whitish-green threads
Fish louse- Scraps agaist rocks and objects in tank/ parasites are visible on fish
Finrot- Short or ragged fins
Fungus- Tufts of dirty, cotton like growth on the skin, sometimes covering all the fish's skin
Treatment can be a lot of different tihngs. Do a google search or ask BETH on this board for help. Many other people can help.


Staff member
Good post. But, I can assure you that I am not a fish vet. I have been in this hobby a long time and have learned everything the hard way---including about fish diseases. I'm trying to post topics in FAQ on common diseases and treatments as time allows. Would be nice, though, to have more knowledgable folks helping out in the Disease Forum [instead of playing Astrowars ;) ]. There is a lot of info out there on the WEB as well. If only all these sources existed when I was new to the hobby!