helpful suggestions please

In another post I stated how I broke up a large 40lb rock into smaller pieces, but now I have this urge to put more livestock into the tank. I am thinking along the lines of a crawlers only type of set-up,(crabs, starfish,nudibranches,snails, etc...) but don't know what I really want to do yet. I do know I DON'T want this as a Reef tank, due to atapsia problems. Any/all suggestions are helpful.
The 25gal. tank has the following allready:
1 Regal Tang
1 Orange Finger Sponge
1 mint green polyp colony
2 Peppermint Shrimp
I am not worried about loosing the polyps or the shrimp, the sponge can be moved into my Reef, but I definately want to keep my tang in this tank.

I just read the responce to a post, Nosmada had given some insight into the size of the Regal tang and the preferred tank sizes, this I am well aware of, and have at least half a year before I will need to move him out, for he is still small at only about 2 inches.