

New Member
stupid local fish store gave me 15pounds uncured rock and said it was cured now my fish tank is 1.5mg ammonia and ph is 8.6 what should i do? I did a 45% water change and the same reading. My tank is 100g that have live stock, my fish has no color lost yet and just staying in one place looking and not moving alot......HELP ME PLEASE


first how much fish you have and if you have invert to ?
if not a lot i think the best way is to buy urgent 20 gallon tank and some plastic decoration
take from your tank water and put in the 20 gallon move one powerhead to this tank to if you have and make more water change but safty.
you will need to small power filter
your main tank will take at least one or to weeks till the the rock will cure maybe more .
everything depend on your main tank what you have there.
i think you shuld to post exactly what you have in the tank.
my option that i give you it's for emergency and thing can be change regarding what you have.
post more information about your tank and it will be more easy for everyone to help


New Member
3 tangs dont know what kind and antenneta lionfish and like 3 damsel for my lion fish to play with and 1 leaflip grouper, not to much of live stock


Originally Posted by bluemoon
3 tangs dont know what kind and antenneta lionfish and like 3 damsel for my lion fish to play with and 1 leaflip grouper, not to much of live stock

20 gallon tank will be small for this quantity especially for tang .
what size is your main tank ?


New Member
i have a 30 gallon tank thats not used, and where am i post to get cycle water at? i have ammonia dropper but its for freshwater should i use it??


if it was me i would take out the new 15 pound rock out.
when you make the water change how much time ?


New Member
i did took out all of it but there little pieces of the rock here and there and i did a water change today and still read the same


i think if you will move the fish they can stress they big for 30 gallon to.
in my opinion you must to keep water change but you have your 30 gallon tank and you going to get more live by mail start to build this tank first wash the tank good and put there small power filter and one powerhead if it's cold in your area you need heater to.
when you take water from your main tank add to the 30 gallon take some from your live sand to.
(you need this tank anyway you have a lot of fish and if they get ick you will need to take care of them on this 30 gallon)
make more small water chang like 10% (put it at the 30 gallon)
very impotant now if you can add more carbon on your filter system it will help to reduce the amonia down.
at the 30 gallon put like 20 gallon from the main tank and 10 gallon pure water with salt mix it well and check the parameter to.


maybe tapwater can help to personal i don't like the additives , if he use with ro unit he don't need to put chemical because it's change the natural to.
it's happened to me to and in my case i make water change evry day a lot of skimming and i add more carbon and it's help me.