

Someone please give me help. I have no idea what is going on with my fish. Last night it looked like ick for sure. One dead flame angel that had only been in the tank for a week or so. Did not qt, I know, learn from mistakes, but any ways. Moved them all to qt, and treated with a copper treatment. Today all the fish looked awsome. Swimming good, eating well. Just went and looked and they are all swimming slow, and sideways, and the colors are faint , and really patchy.
water perams in qt, and main tank
ph 8.0
nitrate o
nitrite 0
ammonia 0
79 degrees
salinity 1.022
please help, thanks
all other fish have been in the tank for a few months now


Staff member
Are you testing the copper levels with a kit??? This is very important when using copper, otherwise you can add lethel levels into the tank!
Also, in a new QT, you have got to have a water quality isssue. How are keeping the tank from cycling?


My test kit does not have a copper test, and the water was from the display tank. I figured the water would be ok because the peram. were good. Where do I get a copper test? How come this has only happened at night?


I didn't think it was normal to have nitrate=o in a cycled tank. How long have the display tank and QT been up and running? Becuase the water in the QT was from the presummably cycled display tank doesn't make the QT tank cycled. If you test now is the ammonia still at 0? With no beneficial bateria in the QT the ammonia will rise and poison the fish.
Not sure about why only at night. What type of lighting are you using? I assume the lights are off at night?


I am using the no bulbs on the qt. They are the ones that were on the display tank when I bought the tank. Iam getting some new water ready to do a change tomorrow. Hopefully they can make it another night. They look fine again today


Sorry the display had been up for almost a year, and had reg. water changes done with ro water. The qt has only been up since the problem staretd. I just took the water fro m the display tank. In the qt there is only a piece of pvc, a heater, and a hagen 402 ph.


Staff member
I would do a large water change to dilute the copper. When using copper you MUST test it to be sure that you do not overdose [or underdose for that matter].
What are the status of the fish now??? Ich or not? Any visible signs of ich??


Today the blue hippo died, and now all the fish look alot better. I never saw small white spots on any of the fish. They just looked really patchy and sluggish. I am doing a 10 gallon water change tomorrw. Do they sell a test for copper, or do I have to take the water to a store.


Staff member
My recommendation is not to use copper at all. Copper has few applications where it is effective, and from you are saying it is not something I would use.
Originally you posted that a fish died, and that you thought it was ich. Please give some specific info about what you originally saw wrong with the fish.


The original fish that died was a flame angel. It had only been in the tank for about a week.I know should have qt, but we all learn from the mistakes. Anyways the day before he died, it did not come out of the rock much. I didnt see it but my mom said that she noticed a few white spots on the fins. The next day he was dead, and then my other fish started to get really patchy and behaving funny. Swimming slow, and only at night. They are fine during the day. Toady my hippo died and all the fish look fine, even at night. The thing that has me stumped is when i tested the water in the display aftre I found the flame dead,there was no traces of amonia. Shouldnt there have been some because of the dead fish.


All of my fish are still in qt tank, and I took all of the lr out of the display. I put the lr in a rubber maide with a powerhead and aheater. I am using this small tragedy to set up a new bigger tank. I talked to my lfs and they said they would be willing to take my fish an put them in a tank while my new tank cycles. They also want to help me with the problem I am having now. I thank you though beth for all of your hepl. Anything you could suggest would be greatly app, thanks ricky


Staff member
Well, in the future, QT all your fish. Including the fish that the LFS is keeping for you now. Don't medicate your main tank ever.
Patience pays in this hobby. Do you have any good hobby books? I'd recommend that you get Robert Fenner's, "The Consciencious Marine Aquarist". It is a great book with all the "HOW TOs" answered.


I did nit medicate the main tank, just the qt. Where can you get that book. The only place around here that sells marine books, doesnt really hav a good selection. You never answered me about the copper test,where can I get one ? thanks for all of your help, ricky


Staff member
I didn't answer about the copper test kit, because I wanted to discourage you from using copper....LOL You can get a kit from the LFS. The copper kit needs to be compatible with the copper that you are using in order to get an accurate reading. Thus, read the lables on both the copper and the kit. sells that book, as does You can order from any online source that sells books, or sells hobby books.


Thanks for the info. Next time i will try hypo. I was just in a panic, and the copper was the first thing I saw. Thank you again, ricky