Heniochus Butterfly going crazy?


New Member
I was just given a tank as a gift about a month and a half ago. The move was fine there was no dieoff and little stress to the fish. All in all things went great. But tonight as i fed the fish I noticed that the heniochus is going crazy. He is swiming all over and picking on the firefish. at first i thought that he was just hungry but after he eat and all the food was gone he didnt stop. Every now and then looks like he is attacking the glass. Now he appears to have a wound between his eyes. I tried turning on the light in the room to see if he was attacking a reflection but it didnt stop him. He is normally very peaceful and just swims slowly along. Is he (or she) ready to spawn or something? Has anyone had any experience with this?


What size tank is this? What are your exact water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, KH, SG, and temp.


Active Member
Posting your water levels would help us determine whether it could be an elevated water level causing this new behavior.
Also, do you have a grounding probe? Perhaps there might be some stray current in the aquarium.


New Member
I’m at work right now so I don’t have the exact readings. I tested everything on Monday (bi-weekly test) and everything was perfect except that the salinity was a bit high I think around 1.028. It was due to evaporation so I added some water to bring it to 1.025. Its a 55 gal tank with a 20 gal sup/refugem (spelling?) I know that the tank is probably a little small for him but up till now we was fine. He is fully grown 3-4 inches across. I have a grounding probe and everything is plugged into an interruptible socket (can't remember what they are called exactly)
Also an update, This morning he was back to himself again so I got a better look at his face. it almost looks as if the scales around his nose (didn’t know he had a nose) are gone. there dose not seem to be any wound just a patch where they fell/rubbed off. The spot seems to be almost clear.
Thanks a lot for your help.