

Has anyone had any look buying a B&W from swf.com? I just received my second shipment, which is a replacement. When I put into the tank, it went all loopy, swimming upside down. One thing is that I thought the bag I received it in was small for the fish. Any comments!!
Please keep us up-to-date. I want one of these for my tank down the road, really badly! I would like to know how they fare.
Good Luck


I order saltwaterfish.com for more than 6 times
nothing has been survived before I had this tank I had
55 Gallon tank I had it for 2 1/2 years Everything I got from
saltwaterfish.com is been dead except Inverts I think because
they get stress from Shipping I suggest you to go to your
LFS and look for some healthy fish that been there from more than a month I know internet is cheaper but they are not hardy
as your LFS


Active Member
Excuse me, but are you seriously blaming SWF for your fish losses? Really? Were they dead in the bag (and if so why did you buy more from them). Because it is very clear what the problem is in the current tank, and there is no room to blame SWF. Sounds like your LFS isn't much better at selling you expensive fish either. From previous posts, seems many of those fish are dead too. And you aren't keeping 'hardy' fish to begin with...
Sorry to be harsh, but I find this particular criticism amazing. Absolutely amazing! :mad: Talk about misdirected blame. :mad: :mad:
You should contact SWF to let them know what is going on. Besides, this is not a post that will get many replies from people who have/had not had success with SWF. Perhaps you should post another thread- either one in the disease forum (if you are worried about the fish) or one asking about "SWF orders?" But this will only attract attention from people interested in, or who have kept, heniochus, and not necessarily those that have bought them from SWF. From what I have read, most people are pleased with the orders.


Staff member
Well, hopefully, this fish is doing a lot better today Julie after our discussion last nite. Please let me know!


I purchased a B/W and an emperor angel two months ago from SWF.com, the angel was dead when I received it the B/W did the same thing yours did spin to the bottom of the tank and died.Both fish were replaced and did fine in QT. they have been in my 125 now for 3 weeks and all seems fine.They both eat ANYTHING that I put in the tank.One thing I did notice on the two fish that died both their bags were a bit small and the bag that had the angel the water was black and it smelled really bad,I think the ink from the newspaper wrapping got in the water from a small hole.I agree call SWF.com,They took care of my second shipment they should do the same for you,good luck...