heniouchus missing scales?


I have a heniochus I purchased about 4 weeks ago and it is still in quaretine with a hypo, because of signs of ich. I'm feeding it garlic soaked food alternated with zoe soaked food. It is still eating great, but there are still slight signs of ich on its fins and it seems to be missing some scales on its sides. I noticed this a few days ago and just seem to be watching it. On those spots, it has a ting of red underneath. Also, I noticed tonight that its long fin on the top ( i think it is called the dorsal fin) is looking a little floppy. I mean the skin or white part doesn't look as firm, there is one piece at the very top that is actually hanging loose. Any suggestions?


The salinity is at 1.010 with a swing arm, I know you are going to say, that isn't accurate, you need a refratometer, but I don't have one and they are rather expensive. So, that is what I have to work with. The pH is 8.2 and the temp is 80 degrees.


So what do I need to do about the treating for the missing scales? Where would I purchase a hydrometer that would work other than a refractometer?


The scaled area is actually looking better today(sunday), but the top of the dorsal fin of the heniouchus is druppy. Is that made of cartliage and what would be causing this? The fish is still eating great, likes to actually eat all the time. Nitrates:0, Nitrites:0, ammonia:0, ph: 8.2.


I've been feeding it either, O.S.I. spirulina flakes, Ocean Nutrition Brine Shrimp Plus Flakes, or Frozen brine shrimp. Whatever I feed it, the food is either soaked in garlic or Zoe. Any other suggestions? Maybe I don't soak the food long enough, I soak it for about 30 minutes.


Staff member
I would suggest using a glass hydrometer rather than the swing arm. With the swing arm, you are wasting time, because they are way off.


I know the swing arm is a bad indicater, but that is all I have at this point. You talk about a glass hydrometer, I'm know sure, exactly what you mean. How does it work? I have glass hydrometer with a thermometer combo, but I don't believe this is accurate, because it's hard to read while in the water.