Here are a few pics of my 150..Take a look and let me know what you think



Yea..there is alot of room in between the rock. You cant really tell from the photos. I want to reagrange the rock..its just heavy for me to do on my own.


Active Member
Beautiful tank!!! :cheer: You seem to have all the fish I want to have. How does your yellow tang get along with your hippos? I want to get a yellow tang and a hippo, but was told the yellow can be agressive. Is it because I"ll need to have three, not just two tangs? (My tank is going to be 125 gallon.)


Its kind of a funny story. The large bule hippo and the yellow tang came from a pet store that was closing down. They had the fish in their display tank for a year or so. The guy who owned the place gave them to me afte he was turned in for abandoning the place. When I came to get them there was hardley any water in the tank. I couldnt belive they were still alive! They have always gotten along. I had the smaller hippo before...but they all get along fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGB1
Its kind of a funny story. The large bule hippo and the yellow tang came from a pet store that was closing down. They had the fish in their display tank for a year or so. The guy who owned the place gave them to me afte he was turned in for abandoning the place. When I came to get them there was hardley any water in the tank. I couldnt belive they were still alive! They have always gotten along. I had the smaller hippo before...but they all get along fine.
Well, they make such a great color combination to your tank. Thank goodness you were able to save them. So, is it the norm that yellow tangs should not be put with Hippos and you just lucked out. Or is there anyone else out there that has a Hippo and Yellow Tang in the same tank?