Here are my Christmas presents that my wife doesn't know she bought me yet !!!!

Just got these in !!! Clown jumped out of his container and did a *SPLAT* on the floor :mad: Picked him up and he just swam around like nothing happened...although I almost died. He hung out in the back corner. Upon his exploration he quickly came upon HIS BTA and reclaimed it. These (the Clown and BTA) were a "mated pair" so to speak. He was swimming in this exact BTA at the LFS store. I said "I want those" and home they came !!! :D :D :D
Hey Buzz, close enough...right ?:D


Active Member
mike thats a very odd colored bta. it looks a lot like a sebae anemone, with the purple tips and all, but the bubbling is hard to argue with. interesting!
good luck


Active Member
My wife does not know it but she got me 2 400 watt Mh ballast and light and 2 new mag drive pumps and a downdraft skimmer for my new 120.
I fed them both (shrimp for the anemone and "food" for the clown) and the clown went and caught the fodd, carried it back to the anemone and spit it at its "bubbles" and its mouth !!! That is SOOOOOO cool. I knew they were symbiotic (food for comfort) but never imagined it that way.
Of, status report, both ate and the anemone has packed his boxes and began his seach for a spot I cannot see him in :D in which the clown will go as well :mad:
Oh well, I have the back pretty well blocked off so we'll see.
I would love to get a BTA for my GS Maroon. Got to get my lights finished....focus man....focus...
They are my favorite......oh wait my user name probably gives that away.
Nice additions..........MCF
DvSKiN -
A quote from another site:
Though clownfish may often snatch incoming potential food from the anemone, they have also been observed to bring food to the anemone to eat, in which case the anemone is able to consume the leftovers.
Either way, all he has done for the last 4 hours is lay in it !!!