here are some photo of my 125


here are some photo of my 125 after the move and resetup 7 month old now lot of plant life and planitng floting around



a little diferent approach than most but I like it. nix the clown and get your some sea horses they would love that thing.

37g joe

I bet your yelow tang is in heven if you got a blue hippo to it would find its self at home but just dont get a lawnmower blenny it moght not be so green for much longer
I akso agree get some sea horses as long as you dont have much of a current


it's a jungle out there :jumping: :jumping: , but very nice.....
I think getting a sea horse would be good, but don't the damsel would bother you know damsels are very agressive.....


thank you for repelys and no this not goining to a saehorse tank i started it slow so that the plant could get a good foot hold and i am now adding plant eaters and the corals so it won,t be a jungle for long but i shouldnt have to buy any food for this tank at all this the way i had it set up last time and all i did was water changes tank took care of it shef as far as the fish went corals are another story



Active Member
I would personally make that into a seahorse sanctuary.. im sorry you dont want to :(


Hey Racine Reef, fellow Racine resident here. Getting back into salt after a long absence. Where around here do you like to get your "good stuff"? In the very near future am setting up a reef.