here is a link to a few pics of my 75 gal reef.


New Member
3 clowns
1 coral beauty angel
1 regal tang
1 yellow stripe pseudo
1 little spotted pseudo
1 green cromis
i had 1 more clown and three more cromis but a huge umbrella mushroom ate them before i figured out what was going on.I first thought it was my brittle star,almost took him out. i had no idea a mushroom could get 6 inches across
all my fish are from


Your tank look very nice. How many pound of LR do you have and what kind of light are you using because I also have 75 gallon tank and I'm trying to learn and wanted to convert to simple reef tank mostly soft coral, but the problem is I having trouble keeping up with the level of calcium, and other sort of mineral in the water. Any suggestion on how I can start simple reef tank.


New Member
thanks. i would say about 80 pounds live rock and 40 pounds sand/cc mixed.
the lighting is a 250 watt metal halide and 2 24 inch actinics.i have the actinics on 12 hours and the halides on 10. I use a large canister filter,a two sided Biowheel,and a prism skimmer. very soon to switch to a sump system.
There are several people on the forums alot more experienced than me to ask for advice,but here goes.
READ,STUDY,READ,WAIT,WAIT,WAIT. That may sound dumb, but every problem i have ever had has been directly because of RUSHING my tank.
I think everyone would agree PATIENCE IS KING.
thanks again and good luck with your tank