Here is a pic of my huge Maroon clown


here is a pic of my huge marron clown. what do you all think? its about 4 inches now not counting the tail. 4.5in total more or less.
how would i go about getting a mate for it? any suggestions?
anyone know the exact species this clown is?
see ya!


Its a regular maroon clown. If it were to be a gold stripe maroon, the white stripes would have to be thicker and then the gold color will come in as it matures.


Active Member
my favorite fish ever!!
I just got a mate for mine and i am about to clean house so that they get the 36glln to themselves!
It will be there own private love nest


how did you get them to pair up. did you just go out and buy a 2nd maroon, acclimate it and thats it or what? my LFS has a little bitty maroon for like $12.99 i almost bought it the other day. they also have perc pairs for $40. not too bad... anyways... how did you do it???


Active Member
yeah that is exactly what i did
but from what i have heard i got real lucky
i guess they can beat the **** out of each other
so i guess you are supposed to keep one in another area in a ??box????


Active Member
keep one in a box? for a guppie maybe, but that would be cruel for a clown.
but yes, i have heard that moroons are very very hard to pair, that is why i havent gotten one for mine yet. The 2nd moroon that you got, was it bigger? smaller?


i dont think i will be able to find a bigger one than the one i have. in fact i have never seen one even close to the same size as mine.
what about if i buy a smaller maroon, keep it in one of those breeding net things in the same tank as my current maroon.
that way the little one will be safe and they can get used to each other. i think i read about someone doing something similar. any suggestions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by CharlieD
i dont think i will be able to find a bigger one than the one i have. in fact i have never seen one even close to the same size as mine.
what about if i buy a smaller maroon, keep it in one of those breeding net things in the same tank as my current maroon.
that way the little one will be safe and they can get used to each other. i think i read about someone doing something similar. any suggestions?
people do that to guppies. the breeding nets are to put fish so they dont get eaten. like babies. to keep a full sized fish in there would be cruel.


Your clown looks nice. Fat and healthy! Mine eats like a pig! I wouldn't buy another one unless you found one at least the same size....if you look hard enough you'll find one. My maroon clown is about the same size as yours if not a little bigger--they grow really fast (or mine did at least). Until you do find one i wouldn't attempt to pair them up. Is it necessary to go through the hassle of separating them especially cuz it could just stress the fish out and how do you know it will make it? I dunno, in my opinion it seems like alot just to pair up your clowns when they typically don't really like each other


Are you looking for a certain size because you're worried about the big one beating up the little one while they get used to each other? From what I understand, opposite gender fish usually vary A LOT in size. My lfs has a pair of maroons and the female is at least 3x as big as the male. Some fish can switch gender, too... I'm not sure about maroons doing this, but I wouldn't be suprised at all if they do. I've also heard (and take things people have "heard" with a grain of salt) that once they become female they can't switch back to male again. It would be something to check into first, at least. With my perculas I bought them both together while they were very young, so they bonded and grew up together from the start. Good luck!


Active Member
There Is A Post On Here Somewhere That Tells Exactly How To Do It. I Think The Poster Put The Clown In A Hermit Crab Cage, With A Little Flip Top, Then Put It In The Tank. The Little Clown Came Swimming Out On Its Own And Got Its A** Kicked For Like 3-4 Days, All The While Swimming Back To The Cage For Protection. Then All Of A Sudden They Were A Pair. But Do A Search, I Do Remember Seeing It On Here Like 6 Months Ago.