Here is some pics of my Biocube 29 old and new



give me some constructive ideas or complaints .the first set of pics will be from old to new.

IMO i would ditch the roman pillers because it makes your tank look bad IMO if you got rid of then your tank would look more natural.IMO
yeah, your tank would look more natural... but that still looks pretty sweet if you ask me. have you modified that at all? i'm thinking about getting one of these


I have taken out the column about a month ago, and redid my whole tank. Here is my first redo three weeks ago.I have changed it again since then.


The only thing that I have modified is the nanotuners 4.36 light upgrade.


Active Member
What is the white grid on the back wall? Does that come standard or did you add it? If you added it for what reason? I'm just curious, always interested in new ideas.
Originally Posted by SigmaChris
What is the white grid on the back wall? Does that come standard or did you add it? If you added it for what reason? I'm just curious, always interested in new ideas.
I was wondering the same thing!


Active Member
Originally Posted by beadebaserrrr
I don't think I'm going to do the light upgrade... is it still possible to do some corals without that upgrade?
Yes it is just not all that she has. Stay away from the clam, the anemone and any sps corals. I believe she has some sps in her tank to which I would still use caution with, even with the light upgrade (not sure if they are sps though). Some need even more intense lighting than that, and some can survive under those conditions but they just wont show their colors as well. Also most sps from what i have read need a lot a lot of flow on them.


Originally Posted by SigmaChris
What is the white grid on the back wall? Does that come standard or did you add it? If you added it for what reason? I'm just curious, always interested in new ideas.
I put it in there so I could watch my clean up crew climb it, and also when it algae's up it would look neat.I have since then taken it out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bella127
I put it in there so I could watch my clean up crew climb it, and also when it algae's up it would look neat.I have since then taken it out.
Cool, got any pics sans-egg-crate? I think the rest is looking good.


Active Member
Looks grate. Differetn for sure. I actually liked the first best, but the last, maybe cover the eggcrate with corals, looks good too.
I have always wanted to get a large sunken ship replica and have maybe an octo or eel.


Once I get a new camera ,I'll post pics of my new cpr sr3 protien skimmer .It fits in the middle chamber of the 29 g biocube. So far it has been set up for two hours and it has already pulled some skimmate


The protein skimmer was $140.Ive tried the fission nano (not worth the box it was delivered in).I tried the oceanic skimmer(better than the fission nano by far,but it is cheaply built,the SR3 is the rats a$$ . It takes up the whole middle chamber and is worth every penny and them some. It does what it says it is going to do.There is so much skimmate in the collection cup. I would recommend this skimmer for any BC29 owner because it is designed specifically for it. 5 out of 5 stars. A little pricey , but you know the saying, you get what you pay for.


If you use the skimmer in section two.. are you doing live rock in the back as well in chamber two? What are in your other chambers?


I have live rock in the intake chamber with my heater and chempure bag, middle chamber houses protein skimmer, outlet chamber has purigen bag, return pump and charcoal bag.Tank has 30 lbs of live rock. I had to take out the false floors in the inlet chamber and middle chamber for all of this to work