Here ye! here ye! Moving???


I'm moving and don't know what to do?
Okay I have a 12 gallon nano with 20lbs of live rock, 15lbs of live sand, (1) LTA w/ (1) Clarkii Cownfish, (2) Cleaner Shrimp, (1) Damsel, (1) Engineer Goby , (1) Rock/Flower Anemone, (1) Green Ricordea,(1) Deep Sea Yellow Gorgonian , (1)Mushroom Polyp - Umbrella, (1) Red Serpent Starfish and 5-6 snails and 10 Crabs. I need to know how to move all of this to my new home about 4-5 miles away from me? Can I get some advice please??????


I will tell you how we moved a 100g full reef with NO loss of life at all.. we took all the lr out first and palced them in styrofoam containers with wet towels laid on them. Then we moved all the fish and corals, crabs and so on. We placed them in several buckets of water from the tank. Then we removed all the water but a very small amount left in the bottom of the tank to keep the sand wet. Once we got it to the house, then we placed all the water back in the tank..heated it back up...later that night I placed all rock along with the corals. The fish were the last to be added just to lessen the stress on them by moving all the rock and corals back in the tank. The fish were placed and the lights stayed off. The next day lights still not turned on I did a 20% water change because all the moving stirred up a bunch of yuk from the sand and changed all the filters. We loss no-one at all and within 3 days all the parameters were back to where they belong.


4-5 miles no prob. I moved my 12g back and forth from school over the summer. I bought a 5 gallon garbage can with a lid filled it with tank water till tank was about half empty. take all coral/ rocks with corals, fish, shrimp, etc... that you can get and put in can and put lid on. gently Carry (2 people ) tank to car then can. drive carefully then reassemble tank at new home and do 20-50% water change if sand and other stuff gets really mixed up. for me it was over an hour away and this is the third time i've had to move it. Temp is biggest issue i think and it only dropped.5 degree this time. Also if you want get a battery powered air brick but for that short distance i wouldn't worry about it.
Just did this 5 days ago with 2 clowns and cleaner shrimp still in tank b/c they were stubborn and didn't come out. Everything looks healthier than it did at home. Just keep an eye out for any potential problems early on. Water was also very cloudy for first hour or so but lookin good now. Good luck.


Active Member
i moved mine and was like 5 hrs away, but it ended up being more because i got lost on the way back, was a bad storm too, and there was 0 loss. just put the lr in a seperate container like an ice chest and fill it with the water from the tank and leave some water in the tank, maybe youll wanna put the fish seperate depending on how bumpy the ride will be. youll have to be careful with the anemone so it doesnt get torn
when you put everything back, before adding your fish, anemone, and inverts, make sure everything is good and that there was no ammonia spike