Here's my budget, can I build a nice system?



Ok, currently Im running a 65 gallon reef tank and its about 8 mos. old and doing well. I've lost three fish total since I begain and one of those was due to aggression (damn lfs told me yellow tangs were ok as community fish YEAH RIGHT)
Right now a friend has given me a beautiful Naso Tang that Im very very fond of. Obviously I can't house it forever in the 65 and so Im looking to build a new tank, around 120 gallons. My current system doesnt use a sump system, in fact I was never even told about it. I have a feeling my local fish shop isnt the very best there is out there for information, and so I come here hoping to divine some good ideas, and perhaps even a shopping list.
A couple of things we should note about the new tank Im looking for. First off, It will likely setup just behind our loveseat, so I'm looking for a system that will be great viewing from all sides. If this simply isnt an option, or is too expensive an option then Ill find another suitable spot for it.
Next, while Im going to house the Naso in this new tank, Id also like it to house a few schools of fish, and lots of other neat little eye catchers. This will be the living room centerpiece and I want it to be alot of fun to sit and watch.
Finally, due to the lack of knowledge my local store provides Im a relative newbie to this hobby and ask kindly that any who help me with this either stray away from the use of, or at least provide definitions for, any acronyms you use. I dont work in the computer industry so my ability to decipher LFS, PPS, LPBT etc. is limited to nil :)
My current budget for this project is around $2500.00 give or take. Obviously I'd like to have the system up and running as quickly as possible to transplant the Naso to a newer, larger, happier home. I also want to note that I will not be tearing down my existing system but will instead continue to use it as well. I appreciate any and all help here as truly, in my area at least, I have few places to turn.


Well, I'm not saying you can't, but I just got done figuring out my setup costs (and I mean everything, tank,water,rock etc, etc) for my 150 and it came to $3134.67 and all I have in it is a cleanup crew and 4 green chromus.


Ok so if you got a larger (150) tank and everything up and running for 3100+ I'm in the ball-park. Would you mind giving me a shopping list of sorts? I'd like to know what I need to price out here.


Active Member
What LFS in Chicago were you seeking advice from? I usually go to Pet Paradise in Downers Grove, and they've given good advice. I've never been there but I've heard the Living Sea in Park Ridge is good as well. HTH (hope this helps :) )


Tank was 700 inc hood and stand. I got it off of e-bay. Made my own 20gal sump - $100. I had to re-do the lighting, 300 or so. LR was around 700. LS was 200 or so. Skimmer - 180, plus all the odds and ends that come up along the way,


LR = ?
LS = ?
Warned you the accronyms elude me :p
I actually live in Morton, Illiniois. I say "Chicagoland area" because saying Morton invokes cries of "Where is that, you know in relation to Chicago?" :)


Hi I have a ALL-Glass moder series 125 gallon reef ready with twin overflows. I got it from my LFS for $1200 including the overflow kits. now i am in the process of having a sump/refuge. made. Looking to spend $150 or do it myself. People here have suggested a Mag 9.5 pump $125, and i own 90lbs of rock and 80 of sand. total so far is $1475. Hope that helps


I got my 125 gallon off of ----. It's all glass, no overflows, but with it I got glass tops, CPR CY 194 wet/dry with a CS100 overflow and two flourescent light strips, 2 Emporer 400's and a wood cabinet that it sits on. I got all of that for $550.00 off of ----. But.......I got a new RIO 3100 for the sump, $85.00, two heaters at about $35.00 each, two more pumps in the tank for moving water, about $23.00 each and got rid of the strip lights and up graded to power compacts with 4 96W bulbs, they were on sale for about $250.00/each.
Now, I do shop alot at Living Seas in Park Ridge. They seem the most knowledgeable, but that's where I buy most of my livestock. Equipment you should shop around a little and find sales or look on ----, if you know what you want exactly.


I have a guy you can talk to (email) that may be able to help you out. I just gave his email to MarinMarty (Martin) above to help him out. I am new to this hobby myself and am in the market for a sump/refugium. This guy is building me one and giving me a good deal. He has been a GREAT source of information and help. I have asked him all sorts or questions to do with the hobby and he answers all of them. Very friendly and helpful man. He's been in the hobby for 18 years and has a 400 gallon tank (yes, 400 gallon...that is not a typo). He may be able to get you some good deals on things for your new tank. He's worth talking to...he loves the hobby so much that he doesn't mind just helping people out even if they don't go through him to buy stuff. Let me know if you want his email address.....if you do, please post back with your email. I will then send it to you via a personal email.
I'm jealous...I only have a 55 gallon...I want more... :D


Active Member
JuJu, I have to have close to that amount in my 75 gall. I went and bought a 150 gall for all intentions of a saltwater (SW) tank, and when I saw the size of the tank sitting in my basement I almost sh*t when I thought about the cost of the LR and LS (live rock and sand) alone, and then the cost of the (bare) necessities and then the cost of fish..........grrrr, I wanted a bigger tank, but oh my! Now it is a proud owner of oscars and FW(freshwater) puffers. Which is another story. ;)
I am SO jealous of those of you that can afford those HUGE beautiful tanks :D
Just my 2 cents worth LOL


Thanks for all the replies gang.
buyitjody I would love to contact your friend. My email address is
I'm currently looking at a used (display) Oceanic 135 reef ready tank that I might be able to get one helluva deal on. Nothings complete yet however so......
that link is GREAT! thank you a hundred times over. That should most definitely be a sticky in the New to the Hobby forum.


Active Member
it has been a sticky or put somewhere easily accessible several times, but it can only stay there so long, but it is still around, just search for slang and it is there