What do you guys think of my babies!
Let me know what you think...its not as nice as some of your guys's tanks...but i think its coming together well!
thanks guys!
my tank is a 55, and my fish are just babies yet, i plan to move to a 125 by october $$ permitting, and for filters im using a eheim canister disigned for a 66 gallon, i have also a protein skimmer for a 55 and i also have 2 maxi jets running.
I wish you and your fish all the best but I wouldn't be surprised if you have problems with all those fish in a 55G, I hope the tang police don't come across this thread or be prepared to get
that tank looks brand new . theres like zero visible algae and bacteria on your rocks - are you sure they are live? has the tank cycled? i dont want to see all your pretty fish get in some ' hot ' water...
the tank is 4 months old, cycled...and the fish are just in a temp home, in 2 weeks they are going into a 125 gallon acrylic tank with a 30 gallon refugium so the tan will be happer there...but over all the tank now has started growing alge..etc...those pictures were taken over a month ago...but the tank is doing well the fish are extremely active...im so excited to see them in there new home!