heres some updated pics fellow nanoers!


ok guys its been awhile since i posted so heres my tank when i first started shooting my tank.


my unnoticable and legendary star polyp frag (my first polyp coral and longest living coral)


and my green striped shrooms. when i first got it (the huge one) it was a single unattached mushroom. i super glued it to the rock and it budded within a month and a half. now this morning i found another bud under it. this is truely an amazing coral. its about 3 and a half inches in diameter and growing each day it seems!


thnx overanlayser. i wanna see some updated pics on your tank. common start up a thread i wanna see the progress on your tank.:yes:


im using an emperor 280 for filtration. its about 4 times more of what i need. i clean it ever month-2 months. change filter pads, carbon, etc.


Active Member

Originally posted by vibe
thnx overanlayser. i wanna see some updated pics on your tank. common start up a thread i wanna see the progress on your tank.:yes:

I am actually mid-move so I have some stuff in my 29 Gallon and slowly moving stuff into a 20 gallon 220 miles away ..... hoping to set-up a small desktop nano .... but with selling a house and all the other craziness I am having issues.... lost a clam and a starfish so far ..... thinking I might sell most of my corals and just move a few pieces ..... what a pain - if I had my housing situation all settled it would be one thing ....

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Hey you can't keep a clam in a nano! :) Just kidding Vibe, and keep up the good work... way to do us 10 galloners proud...
keep up the good work...


thnx johnny. one problem, the link about fragging the frog spawn wont work. i want to know for future reference. but what it seems to me is that you cut it with a dremel. do you cut through flesh when dealing with frog spawns? thnx johnny. i just got done reading your post on one of my thread from last december lol. thnx for the late heads up on getting a clam:happy: . i got the maxima for $20 monies and it was my birthday. all is well with him. he just wont stay still on my sand bed.


Active Member
Beautiful tank :yes:
Love your coco worm and the green striped mushroom. It is so hard to believe that all the stuff in there is in a 10 gal. I hope mine will look like that someday :yes:
Time, patience and lots of money is what this hobby is all about :yes:
Keep up the good work


heres some (in the words of brooklyn johnny) "candy". this is a pic of my tank as it is now. i reaaranged the rocks and scraped the algea