Here's the monster....


Active Member
Originally Posted by sterling007
this is the monster anemone I keep trying to give away....
He's gotta have one hell of a foot. Be tuff to get him out. I can't wait till mine gets like that. Ha!


Active Member
I almost want it, but I wont have new lights until Christmas, and I dont want to kill it, because I dont have good enough lights...YET. Would adding an anemone that large cause my ammonia to SURGE THROUGH THE ROOF? How much would u want 4 it? He's awesome!


It is a bubble tip, sometime it has bubbles on the tips, sometimes not, depends on its mood.
Here is a shot of the tank, it's a 125 gallon, so 6'. The "monster" is at far end.


if you lift the whole rock out of water over the tank i might just let go
if you giving him away as in free i might take him my light come in on thursday
ill pay shiping i want to get some maroons to go in him


Active Member
That is enormous!!! I just got one that looks like that but it is only as big around as a quarter. The lfs pretty much gave it to me for free because they said that they get them as hitchikers on orders all the time and that they grow/split way too quickly for a tank.
Does yours ever split?


It is a BTA because it does get bulbs on the tips. I don't think I want to try and ship it, I'd do a lousy job packing and it would probably not survive. I thought at one time recently that it was going to split, but it never happened.


I had one of those. here is a picture of it. It got that big right before it split. The clown is about 3 inches


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
That is enormous!!! I just got one that looks like that but it is only as big around as a quarter. The lfs pretty much gave it to me for free because they said that they get them as hitchikers on orders all the time and that they grow/split way too quickly for a tank.
Does yours ever split?

sounds like they gave you atapsia, something you definately dont want. read up on them. known to over run your tank and not easy to get rid of once out of hand.


yup mine got that big, but now i have 8 bubble tips in the tank, and the orginal one is getting big again, i really need to find an easy way to get them out of tank, i got a few people who want to buy them.


New Member
:scared: know how you all feel my anemone got huge then split and split now I have 5 my maroons love it.