Here's what I have and possibly new additions



I currently have a 75g
I have:
Yellow Eyed Kole Tang
Pair of Black Perc's
2 Flame Cardinals
Yellow belly Puffer
Royal Gramma
The additions I really want over the next year
LemonPeel Angel
Powder Brown
Blue Hippo
3 Chromis
Dispar Anthias
Yellow Watchman Goby
Pink Spotted Goby
Now, I understand overstocking and I don't want to be yelled at

I can understand simple responses and just want your opinion on how much of this is too much. Don't worry, I love my guys to death but wouldn't harm them on purpose. I'd love your thoughts please.


you could do the gobies,the chromis's,and the angel(not all of these of course but the ones you like the best). i wouldn't do the powder brown or blue hippo tang unless you got them really little and had a bigger tank to put them in as the get bigger. in my opinion i think you should get littler fish so you have more to put in. like a sixline wrasses those are really cool. or a purple firefish. and depending on how long your tank has been setup and how much liverock you have you could get a mandarin.
also what's a yellow belly puffer can you post a pic


Active Member
i would recommend against both tangs, personally, they need at least a 6ft long tank to really be comfortable, and to keep the tang police off your back
ur kole tang should be ok for now, but he might outgrow your 75 to be honest, id only do one of the gobies, and the angel should be fine, about the anthias, u might wanna reconsider them as well, at least for now depending on how big they get, an as for the chromis, go right ahead with those guys :p
hope that helps, and see, no bashing LOL
but, make sure you add the angel last, he/she should be the very last addition to your tank, to cut down on the fights


I typed incorrectly, I was writing yellow eyed cole tang above and meant to put white belly puffer


Thanks, yes, he's gorgoeus and really comical.
Not nearly enough LR, only 40lbs right now, the rest is coming in the end of the week thankfully. I originally wanted very little to give more swimming room until I realized the benefit for the fish, especially my Tang.


I would add the lemonpeel and maybe one of the gobies. That's about it or you could end up with aggression and nitrate issues.