Hermit Crab Problem


New Member
I have two tanks, a 55 and a 20. Its the 20 that i am concerned about. It has a problem with algae and I do not like to use chemicals in my tank and all the nitrate, ammonia, etc. are all perfect. I usually put in turbo snails but my hermitt likes to eat them, he will tear open the bearier and pick at the snail. Soon those ten turbo's a purchased drops down to one who manages to survive for a day more. I tried to feed my hermit a little more food; shrimp pellets, but soon the algae got worst and the hermit wasn't interested in such a puny meal after such a delightful of slimy snails. I also put in two horshoe crabs who molted and then disappeared, i have looked for them when i been cleaning the tank and they have disappeared; which i assuem they have died and decayed already. This hermit also passes a problem with new fish, only the two yellow tail blue damsels and tomota clown (my original fish) know how to keep away from this beast so I can't put in real fish that usually stay away except for night so I assume blennies will be done for in seconds. So please, what new fish can i put in withotu having to kill or remove thehermit... plush how can i cure this algae problem without chemicals and without cleaning it every day. (it isn't that bad but it looks kinda gross).
Fish List:
One Hermit Crab
Two Possible Horshoe Crabs
One Tomato Clown Fish
Two Yellow Tail Blue Damsels


Check your sand for the Horshoe's. They bury themselves in the sand. (I assume you have sand, not CC)
I know this is not the answer you are looking for but with what you have described it would be the hermit taking a trip rahter than building my tank around what can keep away from him.