Hermit crab problems. Maybe?


So I got a scarlet hermit crab few days ago, I already have a Halloween hermit and 3 small hermits. The morning when I woke up I saw my scarlet putting sand in the halloweens shell. That normal? There's plenty of shells in the tank from him to choose from. There a reason he's doing that? That a bad thing or just kinda normal?
My water and everything is perfect
I have 2 clown fish, one algae blennie, 1 cleaner shrimp and one boxer shrimp.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Was the halloween still in there? Crabs are one minded creaters, they look for food all day long and will eat each other if they can not find enough food.


Well as of yesterday the Halloween hermit was in pieces all over my tank and everyone was having a feast. (-_-) now the scarlet just chills and bothers no one SMH. Both hermits were the same size and plenty of shells for them to choose from also.


OP, hermits are opportunistic, and are not to be trusted. I caguht mine feasting on a live nassarius snail at nighttime, so I yanked all my hermits and they live in my fuge now.