Hermit Crab, Reef safe?

new jack

New Member
For now I have a clown goby and a hermit crab. I dont think he is a dwarf because he is almost 2 inches big. I dont know exactly what kind it is but his left claw is bigger than his right and he has white spots on him. He rummages the sand bed and eats the sand and spits it out and searches rocks for food mostly, but is there a chance he will eat my fish. I plan on putting a clown, blenny, starfish and some corals down the road. He looks really cool and is interesting to watch, but if he will be a danger to anything down the road I'd rather trade him in. Also if he is not safe, what crabs are?

ed r

Crabs of that size are usually trouble. The small hermits (1/2-3/4 inch) are usually ok. It seems like more people are avoiding crabs if they have a reef tank.


Are you talking about fiddler crabs? Well, anyways, most crabs are scavengers...and that's what yours is doing when it takes sand and spits it out. Most will not attack intentionally unless threatened. I think you can keep those fishies. IMO.
if he's red w/ white spots, real hairy, and grows really fast, i'd be careful if not return him. i had one (started out the size of a dime in a few short months he had shed several times and grew to the size of a quarter) that attacked everything. killed several nickle size docile hermits, and a confirmed kill on a yellow tang, not sure about a few other fish but he was evil.


your crab was evil that is funny. How about emerald crabs those dont hurt anything do they. I saw one at the LFS the other day and it had some really big claws


I had a "little red" hermit crab about the size of a quarter. In the span of 6 months he grew to 3in and destroyed everything in his path he killed fish at night when they wer sleeping and killed my arrow crab as well as every other invert I had.
He went by-by
and I got a bunch of blue hermits
the biggest one now is 1/2 inch and they all play nice together
do what you want I got rid of mine