Hermit Crab w/ Anemone not moving !!


i purchased a large hermit crab (2.5 inch diameter) with anenomes on its back from lfs today and acclimated it (approx 2 hour drip) as per instructions
the crab seemed fine during acclimation and was very active and even ate !
however once i introduced it to the tank it has been inactive for approx 8 hours..
is this normal or to be expected? the crabs antennae are moving and little mouth feeler things are flickering, however the crab will not locomote..
is this normal?
is it just further getting acclimated to its new home?
are any of u familiar with inverts or otherwise not moving for hours on end once introduced?


what do the anemones look like?
The crab may be in a place that there is a lot of food and is gobbling it up! when I first added all 100 of my snails they didnt move for almost 3 days because there was so much for them to eat in one spot. as the consumed it they all started moving.
I bet he will start moving real soon. especially if the antenas are moving he is deffinatley alive

d0 thy d3w

i had a zebra hermit a while back..when i bought him he moved for only a few minutes..then didnt move for a day or two...after a while he came around...think of it this way..just because they accept the salinity level, and otehr water parameters doesnt mean they immediately know hwere theyre at..for them its moving into a completely different home..like if u were to move from texas to new york..you would surely feel out of place with all them city folk...ur crab probly feels the same way..