Hermit Crabs dying!

I've lost two hermits and a margarita snail in two days. I thought maybe the hermits got to the snail...but why would I be losing so many critters? I tested my water yesterday and paramaters were good. Zero for nitrites, ammonia, phosphates, and .05-.10 nitrates. Any ideas on what is going on?


Active Member
Originally Posted by team2jndd
salinity? Temp?
Inverts need a higher specific gravity of 1.024-1.026. How did you acclimate them. If you "bomb" acclimated (thanks reefkprz) them, this would most likely be the cause. They require longer acclimation also.
Sorry temp is 78 + or - a degree. Salinity is a little low 1.022. They have been in the tank for over 3 weeks, and were acclimated over 45mins prior to putting in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HuskerReefer
Sorry temp is 78 + or - a degree. Salinity is a little low 1.022. They have been in the tank for over 3 weeks, and were acclimated over 45mins prior to putting in.
Slowly... raise your specific gravity to 1.024-1.026. Inverts need double the acclimation time than fish, several hours. Some get away unscathed but most will agree its a longer process. They are very susceptible to changes in specific gravity.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HuskerReefer
Thanks for the advice. To raise the salinity can I just top off with saltwater instead of fresh?
