Hermit Crabs


I want to get some hermit crabs, it would be a nice addition to my tank, yet i have, a picasso trigger, a niger trigger, and a dog faced puffer, will they be any threat to the hermit crabs, i know the puffer is known to eat inverts, but i have two conehead snails and he doesn't even acknowledge them


Active Member
Seriously you need to test you water and get the basics down before you do anything else with your tank.
Also your tank is way over stocked already. you should be returning things not thinking of getting new things.


Originally Posted by mitzel
Seriously you need to test you water and get the basics down before you do anything else with your tank.
Also your tank is way over stocked already. you should be returning things not thinking of getting new things.
Couldnt have been better said i think that you should learn a little more about the hobby before you buy anymore. not to sound rude but in a previous post you put up you stated that you didnt know how to test your specific gravity(salinity).......also you need to test for nitrates ammonia and nitrites to get started and go from there. Im not trying to flame you but i am trying to save you money in the long run by doing things the right way


You guys are right, thanks for the advice, i'm definetly, working on that, i just wanted to get some cleaners since i do have a couple of fish, how do i check the nitrates and amonia, well i checked the salinity already, it's at 24 ppt, a lil low, i was told that it should be at 35 ppt, so i'm trying to find out how can i get it up to that, in detail.


Active Member
Mix up a gallon of water at the right salinity. and do top offs with that water . your tank should need a top off every few days . It will take a while but this is the safest way to bring it up.
take a gallon of water out and add a gallon of water mixed to the right salienity. but only do this once a day.