Hermit crabs


A few weeks aqo I went on vaction and when I came back my tank was covered in brown algae. I moved all of my animals (2 green chromis, 2 damsels, 2 snails, and 6 hermit crabs) to my quarantine tank in order to really clean this stuff out of the tank. Our cleaning was apparently too good becasue we caused our tank to cycle. Anyway, it just finished and we were slowly moving our animals back into the display tank. (It is a 46 gal bowfront.) We also had purchased several snails (8) while our disply was cycling and added them to the quarantine. 3 days ago, I moved the 2 chromis and 5 snails back to the display tank. Today, I moved 5 hermits and 1 snail.
Just a bit ago, I noticed 3 hermit crabs killing one of the snails I put into the tank 3 days ago. Would 3 hermits gang up on a snail to kill it for its shell or could it have possibly have been dead? I have all red-legged hermit crabs. And yes, they are extra shells in the display tank for the hermits. Sorry this is so long. Thanks in advance.
Tank has been setup for 2 - 3 months. Ammonia and nitrite levels are 0. Nitrate is about 10. ph is 7.9 Specific gravity is 1.022.