Hermit Crabs


Do hermit crabs poop in there shell. Its a question which will boggle the mind and I know some hermit crab lover out there knows the answer. Do they poop in the shell or come out of the shell to take a dump?


Active Member
i dont watch them that closely. lol they get out to molt, i dont see why they wouldnt to excrete, or it seeps out when they move.


yeah they do then they wipe their butts and toss that crap out tha shell. im not kidding ive seen them throw out these brownish soft cylinderish things all the time. if thats not poop then iono! :notsure:


Active Member
They do poop in their shell, but they let it collect in there until they can't stand it anymore. If you watch closely you will catch them moving in and out of their shell very quickly and tons of poop will fall out.