Hermits and Shrimp


Are my hermit crabs eating my shrimp? I have many hermits, many snails, 2 emeralds, 1 cleaner and 1 peppermint. I can't find my shrimp anywhere though. I notcied both missing pretty much the same day the emeralds and cleaner were added as well as a few more hermits that were needed. The shrimp could be hiding in rocks but I have yet to see them since the day they went in. I was told everyone would be find however I am thinking not! I wonder if my hermits had a snack or if it could even be my wrasse maybe? I know the hermits are also hanging out all over my coral frags and making them close. I can't keep them from causing problems!
Would I also be okay removing them from my tank and what could I used for a CUC if I did remove them? I think the corals would be better off this way as the snails leave them alone. I thought about taking them out then keeping the snails, 2 emeralds, adding my shrimp again and a lawn mower blenny maybe. Oh, and there is also a serpant star in there as well. What should my CUC consit of if I take the hermits out?


Active Member
I would not put a lawn mower blenny in the tank. I would reduce the waste going into the system. I recommend six Astraea snails and I would keep 3-4 hermits.