Hermits Eaten?


Anyone ever heard of Skarlet Cleaner Shrimp eating their scarlet reef hermits? I find my Shrimps chowing on my hermits, don't actually see the kill but see them with the hermits in their mouth. Look behind the rocks in the back of the reef and see scarlet hermit legs everywhere? What do you make of that? My hawaiians look fine and I don't see it happening with my blue legs?


Possibly just molting? My scarlets molt frequently leaving legs all over. Sometimes it looks like a battlefield happened, but then I'll see the hermits emerging from their shells after a few hours.


thanks. I never thought of the hermits molting? I know the shrimp do, and this morning there were shrimp skeletons all over the place also. What should I do with all the skeletons, or does something take care of those?