hermits in my refugium ??


New Member
could anyone tell me if it would be a good idea to ad a few blue legged hermits to my refugium ??
was wondering if they might help keep it "tidy"
and clean up the decaying bits and pieces of macro algae and detritus (from the snails and brittlestars) i have found over-populating it in there..
just a thought


since nobody is giving you an answer i will give it a try. i use a ecofilter that uses miracle mud and macroalgae in its chambers. and i found a few microcrabs had wandered into this area so i think it would be a real good idea


Active Member
I just banished about a dozen blue leggers to my refugium a few days ago. They have been ostracized from the general reef community for being snail and scarlet hermit "killing machines."
It's not their fault - just their nature.
I too noticed small bits of macro alage on the sandbed of my refugium, and figured this would be okay.
Unless I hear otherwise, or notice a problem - the evil blue legs will live out their lives in exile down under.


Active Member
I'm with Broomer. I exiled a few to my refugium do to there morre than aggresive nature. So far no problems as of yet.