Hermit's vs Fire & Ice?


Hermits havent ever hurt any of my zoas but I have heard that they sometimes pry up zoa mats to get to stuff underneath the zoas. Are they eating the zoas or just malking on them?


Active Member
If the frag is new, they're probably just checkin the rock or plug they're on to see if there's anything to eat. When they finish investigating, the zoas will be left alone.


My bluehermit crab's are so annoying. They plugged out half my Eagle eye colonie. I just picked up all the polyps that had fall and glued them to frag rocks, I m running out of pieces of rocks!


Active Member
I have a 40+ polyp colony of some protopalys on the highest rock in my tank, and my largest hermit insists on wedging himself inbetween the stalks of them every day, but only during the day. When I try to move him, he hangs on for dear life. Hermits are so funny
My Cleaner Shrimp is a pain, as soon as food hits the water surface, he runs to all my zoas and touches them so they close up, and goes where the water hits the side of the tank and waits.