He's still upside down!!!


My anemone keeps on flopping itself upside down. Yesterday he expelled some brown stuff and now he won't stay right side up. I woke up this morning and found him this way again after turning him right side up last night. His leg also looks bloated. Is it possible that he can't expell water being upside down? What should we do??


flip it right side up and leave it alone it is looking for a place to attach itself,do you have good water movement in the tank if so it will be alright!


Mine do that occasionally and I just flip it back over. I was told that sometimes while they are moving the current may flip them and they really cant turn themselves back over unless they have something to grab on to like your tank wall or something. My LFS had me rotate my powerheads and change the direction of the current and it hasn't happend again. YET!! LOL :D
Hope it works out


Ok, well we turned him right side up...but he turned over again! Is he just weird and likes it this way better or should I be worried about something?
I've heard of corals expelling their alga that live inside them but can anemones do this? Could that be the brown stuff it expelled? Just a thought.


I have a small long tenticle that we got from the LFS a couple weeks ago. He never really attached to anything in their tank and they pracially gave him to us to see if he would improve. He lookes healthier already, but has still never hooked on to anything. He will move around some and then get blown around the tank from the powerhead current. I too don't know what to do, but I know you can't make an anemone stay if he does not want to, so I am just leaving him alone. I thought it was normal for an anemone to flush his system occasionally, but I really don't know.
Good luck