Hey AquaKnight


Active Member
A jump shooter would get ZERO benefit from PEDs. I know you are just having some fun but I post just in case you are serious.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by JerryAtrick
A jump shooter would get ZERO benefit from PEDs. I know you are just having some fun but I post just in case you are serious.
so. Building more muscle in his legs wouldnt allow him to jump higher over guys in his face easier to allow for a cleaner shot?
His testosterone was elavated. testosterone does two things. Makes you more aggressive and allows muscle to be built at a faster rate.
any athlete taking any type of PEd will be better at everything they do.


Active Member
You know what. These jerks are paid enough to know and follow the rules. A 10 game suspension? What a joke. Let these guys who cheat sit out a season and see what happens. I am so tired of the "I didn't know it was in there" excuse. It is the athletes responsibility to make sure what they are taking. I realize they aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer but most were smart enough to at least fake their way through college

End of rant.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JerryAtrick
A jump shooter would get ZERO benefit from PEDs. I know you are just having some fun but I post just in case you are serious.

The thread was meant as a joke, but in all seriousness the NBA season and playoffs are a serious grind, performance enhancing drugs could be a tremendous help to someone physically after playing 90 NBA games....If they had won the title, it would be a legitamate complaint.