Hey BoomerD


I saw your post of saying you live in the Central Valley and commute to the bay area. I do the same thing except I am commuting in from Tracy. I just started a hundred gallon reef tank. Never did a reef before. Right now it has been set up for 2.5 months and I have 50 lbs. of live rock in it, and sand. I did have the tank cycle with a couple tangs but they just died because I think I over medicated them with Rid Ich. I am putting togther my VHO retrofit kit I bouht then I need to get a reef skimmer. Right now I just have a Fluval 403 cannister type filter running with media, Fluval ceramic pre filter and Fluval bio max in it. Do you know any one selling a used skimmer, I am finding new ones are real expensive.
Hi there I'm In Tracy too. Sounds like you have a good system started there. I'm not sure but is that rid-ich reef safe?


The Rid-ich said is was safe for some inverts. But I didnt have any. I also heard copper was the reef killer. The ingredients on the bottle said Malactin green and fomlin. So I used but the fish died anyway after they died I did a 50% water change, and then another 25 lbs of live rock to add to the 25lbs I already had. Once I get my lights squared away I want to buy an achilles tang and a couple corals.
Do you got a good reef tank going, and what else do you thing besides the skimmer would be a must for me to be successfull.
Hi yea I have a nice reef going, its small, a 20g but it has 175w metal halide and some pc's on it, I keep sps, soft corals, clams, you name it. I say no canister, it just makes nitrates which aren't converted into nitrogen gas, just go natural with live rock, a skimmer, and maybe a deep sand bed for nitrate reduction. Achilles tangs are nice, but they are very finicky, so make sure you get a good fish from a reputable store, aka not Clark's in Tracy, they're ok but I don't shop there. Achilles grow large also, my uncle who has a 220 FO use to have one and it was huge, they need quite a bit of space and I am not sure if a 100 would be enough in the near future. Maybe look into another tang species that is more hardy?


Thanks for the info,
You got a reef tank that is working good then thats what I'll do thanks


Hey Vaz!
There's a DIY skimmer on one of the reef web sites. You could do a search here and find the link. I didn't have the guts or time to do it; but, I sure did think on it a while! <smile>


Thanks Tang Tang and Zepplin
I am going to go to that web site tonight and check it out.
Tang Tang, is that name because you have alot of tangs. I'm trying to decide on my first fish in the reef tank. I love the looks of Achilies tangs but there was a post earlier saying not to hardy and very tempermental. Any suggestions.
Hi Steve, if you want I can help possibly:) . Have you looked into tangs such as chevrons and purple tangs? They've got nice color and are quite hardy. btw interested in a tank pic of mine? I'll get one posted just in case you were interested in what my tank looked like.


No, I dont remember seeing those types of tangs. Yea I would love to see a picture of your tank. Post it please.
Is that what you have in your reef tank, Chevrons and Purples.
Thanks Steve


Steve (vaz) didn't know you'd posted this. My commute is somewhat sporadic. I'll make the drive for about a year, then work close to home for a few months, then back on the road again. Working in Modesto right now. I've kept fish for about 30 yrs., and have started setting my 90 up again, probably FOWLR, but maybe a small reef again later. We'll see.


That is just simply an awesome tank. Somehow, here in Tracy I have to replicate your tank in my house.
If you want email me at stevevasquez@aol.com and then I will email you back my phone number that maybe you can use someday to give me tips.


Hi Vaz!
I have 3 tangs: Yellow, Vl... and a Naso. Sorry, I just can't keep the Vl name in my head. I do have two letters now. I used to only have one!!! And, one day... <smile>
Not too many tangs. More triggers than tangs. <smile> I should change my name huh?!?!
Hi guys if anybody was wondering specs, its a 20 gallon glass aquarium, no sump, lit by 1 x 175w ushio 10,000k metal halide and 2 x 28w pc true 03 actinics. That pic is when my bulb was old, I just got a newer one today so its a nice light blue tint to the tank now. I need to get some new pc bulbs though although I may go with vho. Circulation is two aquaclear 301 powerheads, one zoomed 214, an empty aquaclear 300 power filter which I run carbon in, and a prizm protein skimmer. Top-offs are handled by an auto-top off float switch, my reserve water is saturated with kalk for calcium, and I also dose about a teaspoon each of baking soda and seachem reef advantage calcium to maintain levels. amm 0, trite 0, trate 5-10, sg 1.024, temp 82 degrees, alk 3.2 meq/l, calcium 420 ppm.