Some one else can chime in too.
When I first started my 125 I started with a dead fish. - My LFS suggested it instead of putting in a live fish and subjecting it to the cycle process.
Its quite cruel to put a live animal through, even though damsels can handle the period, it still burns there gills...etc
I've suggested it with friends, and it has always worked.
Some people just put in fish food to start the cycle. - Remember its bacteria that breaks down the food, and you need to create enough of it to handle livestock. Thats why if you add 5 fish at first, they'll all die, or you'll be subjected to months of constant water changes.
I'm sure someone can post up a link on how the biological cycle works for you.
I have a link up with my pictures posted in the photography section, check it out, you'll see an interesting arrangement/ not to mention my tank is similar in size.