hey check out my 90G tank pics


i want to do fish and some corals and anemones
i have a custom refugium sump with a ViaAqua 3600 pump
the lights is just a daul t5 corallife but im get a better light soon
80lbs. of crushed coral 40lbs. of sand and 40lbs. of live sand
12lbs. of live rock and a wrecked ship


Active Member
must have been really time consuming to get the rock work arranged like that...

looks good,
starting out is always fun because you get to see the tank grow (and your wallet shrink).


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
must have been really time consuming to get the rock work arranged like that...

looks good,
starting out is always fun because you get to see the tank grow (and your wallet shrink).


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
must have been really time consuming to get the rock work arranged like that...

looks good,
starting out is always fun because you get to see the tank grow (and your wallet shrink).
lol yep all day(like 5min at the most)


No kidding! - Watching the wallet get smaller is hard, but for some reason its like crack! - Just keeps you coming back for more, even though you know its oh so bad for you! :)
Your tank will bring you many years of happiness and excitement. - Just remember to take it slow, don't cheap out and learn how to make QUALITY DIY projects. - Remember there is NOTHING wrong with used equipment! :)
Best Wishes,
(Oh yes, always remember to haggle when buying corals and fish. - Ohh yes...Always, ALWAYS ask for a better discount if you buy another animal!)


i got 40lbs. of live sand for free because LFS took for ever to make my sump
would Green Chromis make a good first fish? and when could i add them?


I personally would wait to put a fish in for a month or so.
Start off wit ha dead fish, it will start up your biological filtration.
Make sure you put about 80lbs in live rock first. - More the better, but invest your money there first. - Long term its worth its weight in gold if your going to start a reef.
Before you start buying fish, make a list of what you would like. - Start out a list of some basic corals. - Make sure you have proper lighting etc. - The more planning you take up front, the better you will be off long term, and to be quite honest..the MORE money you'll save.


Originally Posted by Reefstar22
Start off wit ha dead fish, it will start up your biological filtration.
so i should put a dead fish in it?


Some one else can chime in too.
When I first started my 125 I started with a dead fish. - My LFS suggested it instead of putting in a live fish and subjecting it to the cycle process.
Its quite cruel to put a live animal through, even though damsels can handle the period, it still burns there gills...etc
I've suggested it with friends, and it has always worked.
Some people just put in fish food to start the cycle. - Remember its bacteria that breaks down the food, and you need to create enough of it to handle livestock. Thats why if you add 5 fish at first, they'll all die, or you'll be subjected to months of constant water changes.
I'm sure someone can post up a link on how the biological cycle works for you.
I have a link up with my pictures posted in the photography section, check it out, you'll see an interesting arrangement/ not to mention my tank is similar in size.


Originally Posted by blademaster
so i should put a dead fish in it?

Sounds crazy huh? I thought so at first too, but once you add some more LR and put the dead fish or shrimp in it will start to build your biological filter. Your live rock will start to filter the Nitrates and trites if I remember correctly. It has been a long time since i was on this board until recently.


looks good what lighting do u have? and i would get more rock before u get anything else


48" OUTER ORBIT - 150 W HQI/T5 HO Fluorescents/Lunar Lights
with PowerPaq 10,000K HQI lamp(s), SlimPaq T5HO Actinic 420nm & 460nm lamps. the HQI are off in the picture


Looks Good! How many pounds of LR do you have? I would have to agree on adding more lr.