hey, got some new things



just wanted to check back in and say whats up and show some new animals i picked up today...
anyway here are the pics.. enjoy... and n/m the bubble algea



Active Member
what an adorable little goby!! I wanted one of those, once upon a time. might still get one...how do u like him?
shame about bubble algae - it looks so KEWL!!! ...'till it kills ur tank, that is :mad:


hahah thanks guys
the bubble algea is removed... unfortunatly it will come back i'm sure of it..
its not a huge problem right now.. but i'm gonna keep my eye on it
mimzy-the goby is great... he is really chill, doesn't move much but hangs out in the front of the tank which is nice. i'm a lil worried he is not eating enough... but he doesn't have a belly like the clowns so i'm just keeping an eye on him.
thanks agian guys


heres a newer pic on Kyojin hangin' out in the Kenya tree's


Active Member
Good luck with your new goby. I really would like one as well but have heard and read from multiple sources that they just to not tend to do well in aquariums. Please keep us posted. I know if he is your only fish he has a better chance of not starving. Somebody on this board recently posted that he has to target feed his little guy in order for him to eat (even though only fish). Just thougt I would share that with you.


That yellow color of your goby, the same color as yellow tangs, has to be one of my favorite colors in the hobby. So bright and glowing!
As for the bubble algae/valonia algae you can purchase mithrax crabs(aka emerald crabs) that will eradicate that stuff pretty quick. The crabs are hit and miss from what I've read but out of the 4 I have owned both now and in the past they have all successfully rid my tanks of the bubble algae. Good luck.


hey nice additions i also just bought a yellow clown goby but any wayz i was wondering if bubble algea is bad for the tank i have like 5 spots on my orange zoos where there is some of that so i was wondering if it was bad or good?


The answer to your question could really go either way. Algae in many forms is a positive thing to have.. that's why refugiums are so popular. Algae actively consumes nitrates and other undesirable elements converting them into oxygen which is obviously beneficial. The bad thing is that many algaes are very aggressive and will smother corals to their demize. I want my tanks focal points to be the corals so IMO algae just doesnt give you the same uniqueness so therefore doesnt have a place in my tank(in the display at least). Hope that answers your question