hey hey hey!


anyone know where i can buy some base rock in southeastern MA?
aaaand if i put it in my tank will it throw my tank into a curing cycle? or will it just slowly accept the bacteria and coralline algea?


Criminal, I got my base rock at Fintastic Fish in Plainville. They have like 8 tanks set up with LR. They also package it in a styrofoam box which I like alot better than wet newspaper!


Active Member
Were in MA are you located?? Theres a bunch of LFS around here....
Baserock can be gotten at most landscaping places


i'm in the Fallriver area. usually i go to Rumford Pet Center but they don't have base rock only Fiji LR.


Active Member
There is also Coral Reef Aquarium in Rt 6 in Seakonk... pretty good selection there... but if your just looking to get base rock, get some porus type from a landscaping store


second that. All those listed are good places to get LR. There are a couple of places in Providence as well. Isnt there underwater world in taunton? and what about the one in Fall river? no good?


just any landscaping store? how about home depot would they have some? if not there's a landscaping place near where i work a little out of the way but still it's there.


Active Member
They might... i know either thomas to bang guy know what type of rock... start a new post titled base rock or search for base rock... you should come across it


You would want calcium carbonate based rock. Usually this means that at one time it was in the ocean and has the calcium carbonate base that is ideal for out aquariums, just like Fiji rock. I purchased mine online, even shipped it was just over $1 per pound. Seems that when they expand harbors like in Hawaii they just dumped the rocks in piles, someone figured out that they could sell it and they do.

I add some from time to time to my tank and have no problem with the water chemistry because of it.